Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas 2012 update

Hi everybody, Merry Christmas!

Just a few pictures of the house decorations...  Christmas update


Saturday, September 15, 2012

September update

Just some latest photos including latest master bath decorations...

Congrats to 172 Waverly on closing on their new Waverly !

Regards, Mike

Saturday, July 28, 2012

For BSV of NammaWaverly


I noticed that the way they did your front staircase white side trim is different from ours - thought you would find it interesting. Here's a picture of how ours looks:

Here's your recent photo:

Thursday, June 28, 2012

New matching shed for our Waverly

Check out our new 12x16 much more room in the garage now that we have the mower, snowblower and bikes, etc. in the shed. I painted the shutters and flower boxes to help match it to the look of our Ryan home. Amish-built, with a functional cupola, two 24x36 windows and locking steel doors. The roof pitch is 7/12.

Here's a link to the new webpages on our Waverly website:

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Central Vac pictures

The pictures did not post on my last try. Seem them instead on this link:


Central vacuuming

For BSV:

For setting up your central vacuuming system, they give you two brackets and two hoses. One is for the garage and one for the interior of the home.
Hanging the black plastic hose on the garage wall makes it handy for vacuuming your cars. It attaches directly into the main unit on the wall.
The hose with the fabric covering is for use inside the house. The fabric covering protects it from scratching furniture, etc. The kit comes with a bag of attachments and accessories as well.
I mounted the bracket in our hallway closet off the Study. See the pictures...